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Upcoming Movies

March 31st, 2015 | Posted by Sara in Uncategorized - (0 Comments)

Hi all!

We are fast approaching the summer movie season!  We have Netflix and occasionally Red Box a movie, but there is nothing like going to the theater  and seeing a film with a group.

Here are the movies I’m planning to see this Spring and Summer.

First, I highly recommend Cinderella.  Director Kenneth Branagh did a masterful job with this Disney cartoon.  Lily James, as Cinderella, embodied the character in heart and soul.

My first pick is Fast and Furious 7.  It is released April 3 and it is getting fabulous reviews.  It will mix the sentimental with dramatic considering Paul Walker’s untimely death during production.

Second, run to the theaters to see Shaun The Sheep.  Anything Aardman is my husband’s favorite and this character is known throughout the world.

Other animated films to see are Inside Out and Minions.  I plan to see both on opening day.

Inside Out is about what happens in our bodies.  For example, each emotion is represented by a color and name.  Each have their own character.  In my opinion, this one of Pixar’s most creative movies in years.

Minions is the third movie in the Despicable Me series.  It tells the backstory of how the Minions came to be well….Minions!

Happy viewing!

Unbeliveable Story!

March 26th, 2015 | Posted by Sara in Uncategorized - (0 Comments)

My husband sent me this unbelievable story last night.

A 10-year-old from Muskogee, Oklahoma, thinks he is the reincarnation of B actor Marty Martyn.  I have never heard of Martyn and he was more of a movie extra.  He appeared with Mae West in the 1932 movie Night After Night.

However, Ryan is very familiar with Marty’s work and life.  He gives accurate descriptions of the actor and the era of the 1930s.  Ryan was born to Baptist parents in 2005. When he was four years old he started having nightmares and would talk about Hollywood.  He was aware he was someone else and would tell his mom details about his former life.  He spoke about five marriages, vacations to Europe, his homes, his career in Hollywood.  Ryan even knew Marty smoked cigarettes.

The most interesting aspect of the story is when Ryan said Marty died at 61.  Marty’s death certificate listed his age at 59. however, Ryan’s doctor discovered this was inaccurate and Ryan gave the correct age.

Here is a picture of Ryan and Marty.  Do you think they are the same person?


Hot off the Presses

March 24th, 2015 | Posted by Sara in Uncategorized - (0 Comments)

Good afternoon!

Today was a difficult day for many in Europe and around the world.  A Germanwings Airbush crashed in the French Alps killing hundreds on-board.  Our thoughts are with their friends and families.

Also, Angelina Jolie announced she had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed.  It is a choice she made as she carries the BRCA1 gene.  While I am not in favor of this being an option for every woman, I applaud Jolie for being proactive.

Next, I’m continue to list news stories I feel are falling through the cracks.  Just today I saw a clip of The Meredith Viera Show talking about Hot Button Issues.  Guess what they previewed? Miley Cyrus and her boyfriends’ spring break photos.  I guess he cheated?

Who cares?

Here are some stories that are falling off the radar!

The New Yorker:  The Detective Novel That Convinced a Generation Richard III Wasn’t Evil by Sara Polsky


Gawker: I Can’t Believe The Dr. Seuss Museum Won’t Be Called the Seusseum byDayna Evans (I love that there is a Seuss Museum coming!)


Harper’s BAZAAR: 11 Women Who Are Redefining Beauty by Samantha Leal


Until Thursday…


Happy Early Spring!

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring!  Boy, do we need it!

I wanted to do a simple post highlighting some of the most interesting articles of the week.   Here are my picks!

A colleague pointed this one out:  http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/childrens/childrens-industry-news/article/65605-book-publishing-comes-to-youtube.html

It is fascinating how technology is affecting the publishing world.

Target continues to be a fascinating story: http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2015/03/19/target-breach-settlement-details/25012949/

I have no words for this: http://roadwarriorvoices.com/2015/03/19/guy-tries-to-smuggle-wife-in-suitcase-for-two-day-train-trip-somehow-stays-married/

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Whenever I pitch a story, I try to make sure that the story I am telling is informative and interesting.  I don’t want the pitch to be self-promotional.

Here are today’s tips to think about when pitching a story:

1. Has the contact covered a story like this in the past?  If you are pitching the 5 p.m anchor about a clothing line, it is not relevant.

2. Speaking of being relevant..Make sure the story is very relevant to the media outlet.  Don’t pitch a story about puppies to a cat magazine!

3. Spell check.  Make sure your grammar is on point.  A journalist can delete a pitch based on a misspelling.

4. FWD: I have seen this many times.  A person puts FWD: in the subject line.  I can be intentional or unintentional, however it never works.

5. Establish a relationship first.  I have received many emails from individuals I have no relationship with. If a story is good, it may work but try to establish a relationships before you pitch.

Speaking of St. Patrick’s Day, here is my favorite St. Patrick’s story that deserves more attention.


What is News Part II

March 12th, 2015 | Posted by Sara in Uncategorized - (0 Comments)

As I write this the trees are swinging to the breeze in my backyard.  Also, I’m waiting for 70 degrees this evening!

I’m continuing my blog about news.  I find it hard to believe that Madonna dating Tupac is news!  Sounds like an interesting pairing but front page worthy?

So what is news?  Is news measured based on how many people click on a story or is it based on how relevant that story is to an area?  How about if the story affects a tremendous amount of people?  The answer is different to everyone.

We have had an interest in celebrity since Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks got married but at least they had talent.  Why are we obsessed with Justin Bieber, the Kardashians, Bobbi Kristina Brown, or even the Royals?  Is it the money?  The fame?  The fact that they are related to someone talented?

I’m not sure.

What I do know is that these stories need more attention:

Hubble telescope spots ocean on Jupiter moon Ganymede: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/03/12/jupiter-moon-ganymede-ocean-nasa/70203402/

Millions of Children Trapped by War: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/12/syria-war-children_n_6854612.html?utm_hp_ref=world

Loved this! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jordyn-holman/why-you-probably-wont-finish-reading-this-article_b_6850042.html?utm_hp_ref=books&ir=Books

What is News?

March 10th, 2015 | Posted by Sara in Uncategorized - (0 Comments)

Happy Spring!

Is Kim Kardashian dying her hair blonde news?  How about dying it more blonde more newsworthy?

How about Miley Cyrus dating a new beau?

Brian Williams going on 6-month leave?

What is news?  What is hard news and soft news?

In the past, a journalist knew the difference between hard news v. soft.  In today’s world it seems celebrity news is hard news.  Bruce Jenner’s sex change is front page, while a war in the Middle East falls through the cracks.

Here are a few news stories that deserve more space.

1. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/03/09/isis-destruction-of-antiques-at-mosul-nimrud-hides-sinister-moneymaking-scheme



More of my Favorite Products

March 3rd, 2015 | Posted by Sara in Uncategorized - (0 Comments)

Happy Snowy Tuesday!

Here in Minnesota we are getting a few inches of snow but it will be in the 40s by Friday. Welcome to March in Minnesota!

It’s a new week so a new beauty product topic.

I’m a person who suffers from cold sores.  Ever since I was a child I have developed them when I am tired, stressed or sick.  It has been a struggle to find products that help.  In reality, there is no easy fix for this issue.

Here are a few I recommend to get you through.

1. Abreva: If one puts this on when they feel the tingling sensation, it will lessen the time of the sore.  It is very expensive but worth it!

2. Caudalie cream.  I have been using this lately. It is for hands, nails and cuticles but seems to keep cold sores from cracking.

3. Blistex.  It also keeps them from cracking.

4. Vasaline: Sometimes basic Vasaline is what works!

Enjoy! It will be Spring soon!

I’m on vacation Thursday so the next posting is next Tuesday!